How To Make Your Virtual Collaboration More Successful?

HR Software India


The advent of COVID-19 has created an unparalleled, never before global health and economic crisis which no one was ready to face or ever predicted. Countries across the globe went on lockdown to stop the spread of this global pandemic that has claimed more than a million lives already. With coronavirus sparking fear everywhere, a good number of organizations in India changed the way they worked as well as communicated. Employers had no other choice but to implement work from home policy to Loan management software continue their routine operations. However, it is not as easy as it sounds to be! From employers, HRs to employees, every working individual faced a fair share of struggles in the past nine months. As a response to WFH challenges, the majority of Indian businesses relied on technology! Truth be told, as days pass by, more and more employers are switching to automated software tools, thereby embracing remote working and virtual teams. Contrary to their earlier assumptions, employers can see the bright side of technological advancement today.

In this blog, we will tell you three more tips to make your virtual collaboration more successful in the coming days. So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!


We cannot stress enough how important effective communication is. Unfortunately, things have changed at present. In-person meetings and gatherings have become old-school things now. This is when human resources solutions such as HR and payroll software come into the picture! Such systems come with chatbots and video-conferencing features that allow companies to improve their internal communication during this tough time. Using the video-chat option and office business phone system, HR managers and employers will not find any difficulty in collaborating with their employees and getting things done. Employees, on the other hand, won’t feel isolated or away from their team members using the chat option. In short, when the right employee monitoring software communication medium will be available, no virtual team will ever face any challenge.

Set Goals & Objectives

Now, it is the responsibility of every HR manager to give clear instructions to their virtual team. When every individual in the workplace will know what is expected from him or her, every task will be carried out promptly. As mentioned earlier, companies can even implement HR software that will simplify the whole process of setting daily work deliverables. Needless to say, such systems will be of no use if managers will fail to set clear goals. Besides, HR professionals should also try to have a team meeting on a daily basis to make sure the progress of every employee’s work.

Support One Another

Needless to say, the whole virtual shift has impacted the mental health of working individuals to a great extent. In such a situation, employers should find ways to encourage their people. On the contrary, their mental wellbeing can affect their productivity levels that in turn can impact the bottom line of the company. This is the time when every individual of a company remote pc monitoring software   should take a step ahead and support one another.

Need to mention, HR and payroll software can solve this problem as well. Since such systems come with features like moodbots, badges, rewards, and much more, it becomes easy for employers to engage with their employees. For instance, moodbots can help a company to know the pulse of their employees. Likewise, giving badges and rewards are also a great way to appreciate employees and recognize their efforts. In essence, companies should not let their employees lose their morale while working remotely.

We have come to the conclusion!

We hope this blog helped you to discover new ways to improve your virtual communication.

Amid all the COVID-19 chaos, no employer should forget about his or her teams. In fact, they should invest more time, reach out to their employees, and discuss the challenges they are facing on a regular basis.

Also, do not forget to consider HR software as it can reap ample benefits to your organization. The right system will save time for your HRs, improve the efficiency of your virtual team, save you more money and the list continues. It may seem a little difficult to think about a digital shift right now. However, if you look at its advantages, you will not hesitate to replace all your outdated tools with an HR system.

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